Vision Impact Partner
Dear Friend:
Rivers of Joy Ministries has a rich history of loving God, loving people, and serving people. In its years of existence many lives have been touched through sermons, bible studies, and community outreach programs. Because these programs addressed spiritual, social, and economic needs man have accepted the saving grace of our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ. Individual lives have been transformed, restored, and given hope and a helping hand.This ministry has been a combined "Labor of Love" by so many that believe that our faith should be "Faith in Action"
If you were a recipient of the Rivers of Joy Experience, a member who relocated, joined another fellowship of faith,or do not have a church home at the present time, we thank you for any support and prayers that you have already contributed. However, you can still support us in helping others. We are inviting you to become a "Vision Impact Partner" also through your prayers and financial support. This is an opportunity for you to join us in "Touching Lives without Boundaries."
With your partnership you will receive a letter from Bishop K.G.Stewart, Partnership Certificate, and daily prayer covering. Your act of generosity regardless of how large or small will help us continue to minister to the needs of the people in our surrounding communities. Thank you in advance for considering becoming a Vision Impact Partner(VIP) during your time of benevolent giving.
Yours in Christ,
Bishop K.G. Stewart
Senior Pastor